Yesterday's News... TOMORROW!

Not In Association With:
Retro Remakes - TIGSource


Episode 001

PIIG 001 [2013-04-20] - 30Mb - 65mins

In our first (frankly, mediocre) attempt at a chatty podcast we ramble through several of the IGF finalists, all the while forgetting to describe what the actual games are. I promise we'll get that right next time. And hopefully the sound levels will be better, too. And I'll stop talking over people. Oh, and it's dead sweary, but I've bleeped out the c-bombs.

Oh, and to avoid the slight spoiler about Little Inferno, when I mention I'm gonna' spoil it, skip forward to 27m33s.

News links


The Pig Ignorant Indie Gamers are:

Graham Goring (Twitter)

Mark Foster (Twitter)

David Williamson (Twitter)

Intro music by Zack Parrish.